Top 5 trends for the smart workspace of tomorrow

A smart workplace is being implemented in many offices throughout the country and the others are bracing to do the same. The shift in trend is done to increase productivity, ensure energy efficiency and empower staff.

The smart workspace is connected with the use of artificial intelligence. The use of AI in companies have begun and it is only going to increase in the future. Smart workspace is about integrating the newest existing technology into the usual workspace and working around it to create bigger outputs. These kinds of workspaces will save energy and time with employees able to be more productive by integrating these technologies in their work. The following are five main trends seen in smart workplaces.

AI driven, voice enabled virtual assistants in the office

We are in the time when we just yell “Hey Siri,” “Alexa,” or “Ok Google” to set reminders, alarms, text/call people and what not. While we do this in our daily life for the simplest of things, why should we go to a workspace which is said to have all new technologies only to do maximum manual work. Imagine the time that can be saved in finding information if someone else could do that for you in the fraction of a second. This is the incorporation of AI powered virtual assistants in office spaces.

In most workplaces, there are human labor only to organize the schedule of the people in authority. This can be easily done at no cost using virtual assistants.

Smart buildings are evolving into smart workplaces

With the use of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, big data is being used by these technologies to convert smart buildings into smart workspaces. This will result in much faster and very cost-effective work.

Support from major vendors is driving adoption of WebRTC

With an increase in wall-less offices and employees from all over the world, technologies that cater to easy communication between such people are also widely growing. Web Real-Time Communication lets you conduct video conferences using a web browser. When it comes to conducting video conferences between people from different countries, not all countries have connection and access to the usual social networking platforms. WebRTC eliminates this issue by providing even more quality in the connection creating effortless communication possible.

Video becomes the default mode of communication

Communication is one of the major concerns when emerging trends are incorporated into workspaces. It has become evident that video is going to be the go-to communication medium. Businesses are altering their workspaces to incorporate video communication. It proves for more effective collaboration with other parties.

From BYOD to BYOA – the next wave of employee empowerment

Until recent employees were expected to bring their own device into the workplace or rather work with their own device from home. However, this is changing to bring your own app. Companies will only want the final outcome from employees. How they do it is totally up to them. Communication is getting more customized and personalized according to the work done by employees. Millennials are bringing their own app which lets them do their work their way and more easily. These apps will be suitable according to one’s comfort.